Law Enforcement-Based Victim Services (LEV)
The IACP is proud to serve as the training and technical assistance provider for the Law Enforcement-Based Victim Services and Technical Assistance Program (LEV Program). Sponsored by the Office for Victims of Crime, this project seeks to develop, enhance, and sustain law enforcement-based victim services programs to serve the needs and rights of all crime victims.
LEV Sites
The IACP is proud to work with 80 LEV Sites. These sites represent municipal, state, campus, and tribal law enforcement agencies from across the United States.
LEV Resources
A variety of resources have been developed to assist law enforcement agencies in establishing or enhancing law enforcement-based victim services programs. They include:
• Webinars – virtual training for victim services personnel, victim services supervisors, and sworn leadership on key topics such as victims’ rights, program development, and strategic planning.
• Publications – topic-specific documents and templates that correspond with topics covered in webinars.
• Videos – a 3-part series intended to help agency leaders, personnel, partners, and stakeholders learn more about the purpose and benefits of incorporating law enforcement-based victim services into overall agency victim response.
All LEV webinar recordings are available free of charge and can be accessed here on IACPlearn. An IACP account is required to register and view the recordings. For assistance creating an IACP account and accessing the webinars, please see our IACPlearn — Getting Started Guide.
Core LEV topics in the webinar series includes:
- Key Considerations
- Victims’ Rights – Part 1
- Advocacy Parameters
- Documentation Standards
- Role Clarification & Professional Wellness
- Building Effective Partnerships
- Agency Incorporation of Victim Services
- Effective Supervision of Victim Services Personnel
- Strategic Planning
- Victims’ Rights – Part 2
Supplemental topics in the webinar series include:
- Ethics in Victim Services
- Crisis Response Planning
- The U & T Visa: A Tool to Support Victims, Communities, and Increase Participation in the Criminal Justice System
- Improving Victim Services Provision: Challenges and Considerations for Seeking Victim Feedback
- Victim Services & Public Information Officer (PIO) Collaboration
- Victim Services Response with Officer-Involved Incidents
- Victim Services & Mental Health Co-Response
- Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Funding
- Trauma-Informed Property Return
- Serving Victims with Disabilities
Quick Reference Series:
This series includes short publications that provide high-level information on law enforcement-based victim services.
- Getting Started — includes a 5-step process to develop law enforcement-based victim services
- Victim Services Role — includes an overview of the role of law enforcement-based victim services (e.g., what it is and what it is not) and common areas of role confusion
- Victim Services Documentation — includes an overview of victim services' documentation standards, including access, location, and content
- LEV Overview — includes an overview of the LEV Program
- Victim Services Supervision — includes elements of supervising victim services personnel
- Models of Service Provision — includes an overview of the models of victim services provision, including law enforcement-based, community-based, and hybrid community-based
- Victim Services Benefits — includes benefits that law enforcement-based victim services can provide to victims, law enforcement agencies, and their communities
- Partnerships — includes guidance for identifying and developing partnerships
Topic-Specific Resources:
This series serves as the main LEV publications and provides an in-depth discussion of the main law enforcement-based victim services topics.
- Key Considerations — provides an overview of foundational topics for law enforcement-based victim services and a checklist to guide program development.
- Victims' Rights Jurisdiction Profiles - developed by the National Crime Victim Law Institute (NCVLI) and provides state-specific information on the intersections of victims' rights and communication with victim services personnel.
- Advocacy Parameters — discusses the structure of law enforcement-based victim services, personnel supervision, and service delivery.
- Documentation Standards — discusses victim services documentation location, content, and legal interactions.
- Effective Partnerships — provides information on the benefits of partnerships and encourages agencies to consider both internal and external partners to strengthen community response to victims.
- Using Technology to Communicate with Victims — discusses considerations when using virtual technology to communicate with victims.
- Agency Incorporation — discusses integrating victim services within the agency including models of services provision, strategic planning, budget considerations, crisis response, and workplace culture change.
Template Package Series:
This series provides practical templates on a wide range of topics related to victim services. These templates are meant to be adapted for your jurisdiction to serve as a strong foundation for your victim services program.
- Template Package I: Getting Started — includes job descriptions, interview questions, code of ethics, and foundational policies and protocols.
- Template Package II: Next Steps — includes case response protocol templates.
- Template Package III: Student Interns & Volunteers — includes templates focused on recruiting, screening and selection, training, supervision, and other agency considerations for student interns and volunteers.
- Template Package IV: Pamphlets — includes sample crime-specific and topic-specific informational pamphlets for agencies to customize and disseminate to victims of crime.
- Template Package V: Training — includes customizable presentations and activity workbooks agencies can use for victim services personnel training.
- Template Package VI: Program Evaluation — includes a high-level overview of how to integrate program evaluation into victim services programs, sample surveys, and survey development tips.
Law Enforcement-Based Victim Services: An Overview – provides a high-level overview of key elements of law enforcement-based victim services.
Law Enforcement-Based Victim Services: Key Considerations – discusses what agencies should consider when developing, sustaining, and growing law enforcement-based victim services.
Law Enforcement-Based Victim Services: Agency Incorporation – guides agencies in effectively incorporating victim services into the law enforcement agency’s overall response to crime victims.
How can I receive Training & Technical Assistance?
For more information on the LEV program, technical assistance, and resources, please contact
For future funding opportunities, please visit the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC), Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice's Website. Additionally, visit OVC's Training and Technical Assistance Center to access no-cost TTA.
LEV Research
The IACP has partnered with the Justice Information Resource Network (JIRN) to bring three different aspects of research to the Law Enforcement-Based Victim Services Program. The research activities initiated by JIRN vary in order to maximize the breadth of knowledge and the impact on the field of law enforcement-based victim services.
The three research initiatives include:
- LEV Mapping Survey
- Mini Research Grants
- Case Studies
To learn more about each initiative please visit the JIRN Law Enforcement-Based Victim Services Program webpage.
The IACP is honored to work alongside the National Crime Victim Law Institute (NCVLI), Unified Solutions Tribal Community Development Group, Inc. (Unified Solutions), and the Justice Information Resource Network (JIRN) to deliver training and technical assistance to the LEV sites. NCVLI will deliver webinar trainings on victims' rights and will provide state-specific resources to each site. Meanwhile, Unified Solutions will act as the specialized training and technical assistance provider to all LEV sites serving tribal jurisdictions. Finally, JIRN will assist in developing and implementing the Victim Services Mapping Project, a research initiative which intends to provide a national scope of law enforcement-based victim services.
For more information on the LEV program, please contact
This webpage was produced by the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) under 2018-V3-GX-K049, 2020-V3-GX-K001, and 15POVC-22-GK-01805-NONF awarded by the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this webpage are those of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the U.S. Department of Justice.
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