Training Keys
Concise, authoritative sources of law enforcement information, these six-page, loose-leaf monographs allow law enforcement officers to expand or sharpen their knowledge, skills and abilities on a broad variety of law enforcement practices and procedures. Each Training Key is prepared by a leading expert and addresses an issue of particular interest to line officers and their supervisors.
Training Keys
#457 - The "Plain Touch" Rule: Part I
The “plain touch” rule is a legal development of great potential significance to law enforcement officers. Where it applies, the “plain touch” rule permits the...
#454 - Searching for a Lost Person: Management Principles
Frequently, what begins as a missing person report in a forested, rural area ends up becoming a search for a missing person. To be of...
#453 - Investigation of Infant Deaths
There is a natural tendency to look to the parents or child care providers for answers to the sudden death of a child. However, Sudden...
#452 - Time Management
Officers who routinely find themselves during the course of their shift reacting only to the demands of others may be mismanaging and wasting precious time...
#451 - Surreptitious Monitoring of Suspects' Conversations
If conducted properly, the conversation of suspects can be surreptitiously monitored and recorded by officers and evidence thus developed can be used in subsequent criminal...
#450 - Civil Liability Part II: Basic Principles of Civil Liability
The best defense against civil liability is to avoid, or at least minimize, the filing of lawsuits against the officer and the department. Although in...
#449 - Civil Liability Part I: Basic Principles of Civil Liability
In the past three decades, civil liability has become a major consideration for American law enforcement agencies. Multimillion-dollar lawsuits against police agencies and police officers...
#448 - Automated Investigative Databases
There are a number of federal on-line information systems that have been developed for investigating specific types of criminal offenses and criminal enterprises. Criminal investigators...
#447 - Cargo Theft
Police patrol officers can be the first line of defense in preventing and detecting cargo thefts. Basic knowledge of how cargo thefts occur will give...
#446 - Interdicting Drugs in Transit: The Patrol Officer's Role
Patrol officers who are trained properly and motivated are often in a good position to interdict drugs in transit on the nation’s streets and highways...
#444 - Entrapment: Part II
Officers engaged in undercover operations must be aware of legal restrictions and complications that should limit and govern their activities. This is the second of...
#443 - Entrapment: Part I
Undercover police operations have been successfully employed for decades and have received increasing popularity. However, such operations can present legal dilemmas for those who fail...
#442 - Traditional Organized Crime in the 1990s: Part II
Part II: Despite significant arrests and convictions of traditional organized crime bosses in recent years by federal, state and local law enforcement agencies, La Cosa...
#441 - Traditional Organized Crime in the 1990s: Part I
Despite significant arrests and convictions of traditional organized crime bosses in recent years by federal, state and local law enforcement agencies, La Cosa Nostra continues...
#440 - Police Communication in Traffic Stops
One of the more frequent and most significant points of contact between the police and the community it serves is during the traffic stop. There...
#439 - Inventory Searches
Inventory searches are an essential tool for any police department. Unfortunately, many police personnel misunderstand the nature, purpose and procedural requirements for such searches that...
#438 - Prison Gangs
Violent prison-based gangs are becoming more closely affiliated with street gangs throughout the nation, posing serious threats to law enforcement officers. From a street survival...
#437 - Building Searches
Patrol officers are commonly confronted with the need to search buildings of all types in order to apprehend suspects. While searches always carry inherent dangers...
#436 - Environmental Crime Enforcement
Crimes committed against the environment are rapidly becoming one of the more devastating and costly offenses. However, they are often one of the less detected...
#434 - Principles of Report Writing
Training keys are no longer updated, and are provided here for reference only. IACP will not distribute any training keys not published to the website.