Health and Safety Concerns Relating to Marijuana Removal from Indoor Grow Sites
WHEREAS, there is a substantial evidence that smoked marijuana is harmful to the mental and physical health of marijuana users; and
WHEREAS, indoor marijuana grow sites often contain fertilizers, insecticides, fungicides, solvents and other chemicals used in the cultivation of marijuana, and mold, as well as equipment that often requires significant power sources; and
WHEREAS, limited research has been conducted to determine whether the indoor marijuana grow sites present unique health and safety concerns which would warrant taking special precautions and providing protective equipment to law enforcement personnel required to enter such environments (see e.g., Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, A Discussion Paper on Indoor Air Quality Investigations of Houses Used for Marijuana Grow Operations, Research Highlight, Technical Series 07-101, March 2007, at accessed 05-15-08); and
WHEREAS, employers have a duty to ensure the health and safety of their employees; now,therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the International Association of Chiefs of Police duly assembled at its 115th Annual Conference in San Diego, California, calls upon the law enforcement community to conduct research to determine whether indoor marijuana grow sites present unique health and safety concerns which would require it to take greater precautions upon entering such environments and which would warrant providing protective equipment to law enforcement personnel required to enter such environments.
Submitted by: Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Committee