Contingent Leadership and Encouragement of National Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Responder Training Course

Contingent Leadership and Encouragement of National Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Responder Training Course



WHEREAS, law enforcement officers frequently are the first responders to arrive at traffic incidents and often work collaboratively with personnel from fire, emergency medical services, transportation/public works, towing and recovery services, and other disciplines at incidents occurring on the highway; and

WHEREAS, one of the leading causes of on-duty, first-responder deaths and serious injuries is being struck by vehicles while working on the highway; and

WHEREAS, traffic incidents often exacerbate congestion and result in secondary crashes; and

WHEREAS, law enforcement leadership and involvement—along with partnerships with fire, emergency medical services, transportation/public works, towing and recovery services, and other disciplines—are integral to the successful establishment of the National Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Responder Training Course; and

WHEREAS, the National TIM Responder Training Course was developed to improve responder safety; to promote safe, quick incident clearance without compromising crash investigations; and to encourage prompt, reliable, interoperable communications by instilling in first responders a common set of core competencies that advance coordinated, multidisciplinary responses; and

WHEREAS, law enforcement executives will be directly involved in implementing all national, state, and local plans that embody National TIM Responder Training; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), duly assembled at its 119th Annual Conference in San Diego, California, agrees to provide leadership for, and encourage the aggressive nationwide deployment of the Strategic Highway Research Program II's (SHRP 2's) National TIM Responder Training Course; and, be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the IACP's involvement in the National TIM Responder Training Course is contingent upon appropriate IACP representation on those key working groups responsible for its deployment.


Submitted by: Highway Safety Committee


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