Resolutions are the cornerstone of IACP’s policy development. Resolutions direct the efforts of the IACP and serve as the guiding statement in accomplishing the work of the association.
Complete resolutions packets that are still valid are available to view below.
For more information on how the resolutions process works, including how to craft a resolution, click here. If you are interested in submitting a resolution, please first complete a resolutions proposal form located here. Once the proposal has been approved, resolution drafts can be submitted for consideration using this form. If you have any questions, please email
Adopted resolutions are valid for five years.
2024 Resolutions:
Condemnation of Bias-Based Policing
WHEREAS, in a free society, law enforcement is entrusted and expected to protect the civil rights of its citizens; and the vast majority of police...
Condemning Racial and Ethnic Profiling in Traffic Stops
WHEREAS, according to the National Highway Safety Traffic Administration, the majority of traffic crashes are caused by moving traffic violations and kill 41,967 people a...
Condemning the Awarding of the “Inmate of the Month” Designation to Cop-Killer Leslie Nelson by the Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women
WHEREAS, the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and the Division of State Associations of Chiefs of Police (SACOP) are dedicated to advancing and...
Conducting Biased-Free Training to Counter Violence Extremism
WHEREAS, the International Association of Chiefs of Police condemns prejudice and discrimination; and
WHEREAS, violent extremism as a threat is not constrained by any...
Consideration of Providing Electric Vehicle Safety Training to Law Enforcement Officers
WHEREAS, the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), and U.S. Department of...
Conspicuity Standards for Single Unit Trucks
WHEREAS, Single unit trucks are often operated during the early morning hours, en route to pick up or deliver the first load of the day...
Construction of Highways/Roadways that Consider the Safety of Law Enforcement Officers and Other Emergency Responders
WHEREAS, traffic enforcement is necessary to ensure the safe and efficient movement of people, vehicles, and goods along the streets, roadways and highways of the...
Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments
WHEREAS, the United States of America has within its political structure three sovereigns, federal, state and tribal governments, each with their own sovereign powers, including...
Contingent Leadership and Encouragement of National Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Responder Training Course
WHEREAS, law enforcement officers frequently are the first responders to arrive at traffic incidents and often work collaboratively with personnel from fire, emergency medical...
Contingent Support of the National Unified Goal for Traffic Incident Management
WHEREAS, law enforcement personnel are frequently the first responders to traffic incidents and often act as scene commanders for incidents occurring on the highway...
Continued Federal Support for Community Policing Efforts
WHEREAS, the community policing philosophy promotes the principles and strategies of partnerships, problem-solving, prevention, and organizational change to effectively respond to crime, fear of crime...
Continued Funding for all Community Oriented Policing Programs
WHEREAS, the federal government recognizes the existing crime problems and the benefits of the community oriented policing philosophy; and,
WHEREAS, the federal government has allocated...
Continued Support for Education and Awareness Programs to Address the Growing Prescription Drug Abuse Problem
WHEREAS, the availability of diverted pharmaceutical drugs is high and increasing, fueled by increases in both the number of illegal online pharmacies and commercial...
Continued Support for Special Olympics
WHEREAS, the International Association of Chiefs of Police has selected Special Olympics as its charity of choice; and
WHEREAS, Special Olympics is a not...
Continued Support for Special Olympics
Submitted by: Law Enforcement Torch Run Committee
WHEREAS, the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) has selected Special Olympics as its charity...
Crack v. Powder Cocaine Sentencing Disparity
WHEREAS, the five-year federal mandatory minimum sentencing amount for cocaine base (hereinafter crack is five grams and the corresponding amount for cocaine hydrochloride (hereinafter powder...
Create a Crime Prevention Program through Enhanced Crime Detection Strategies
Submitted by: Crime Prevention Committee
Cosponsored by: Police Investigative Operations Committee
WHEREAS, the October 2019 edition of the International Association of Chiefs of...
Crime Gun Violence Reduction
WHEREAS, gun-related violent crime is one of this nation’s primary concerns, and the deaths of our citizens, especially our children, harms families, communities, society, and...
Crime Prevention Strategy
Crime Prevention Strategy
Submitted by: Crime Prevention Committee
WHEREAS, the prevention of crime is fundamental to a free and safe society; and therefore, sustaining ...
Crime Prevention, Domestic Security and Quality of Life: Definition and Significant Value of Community Policing
WHEREAS, for decades the IACP has recognized, acknowledged, and endorsed the value and effectiveness of community policing; and
WHEREAS, over the years various emphasis, attention...